forward motion, frame me in
i've made an effort over the past year to update ocular spectra fairly regularly. the goal has been one picture per weekday, uploaded all at once for the week. some of the images have been turned into flyers like this one. the above image is one of this week's additions, taken last week at the brooklyn lyceum. this is the sort of thing i notice when most everyone else at shows is chatting, which is about the only time i have to shoot anymore.
i was inspired to start putting images online after i discovered photoblogs like and whateverland's through gothamist. then i think josh tipped me off to the nyc photobloggers 2 event last year, and i made the disparate images i'd been snapping into a regular concern. i went to a photobloggers meetup and caught photobloggers 4 in june. the people i've met have been very nice, and several of them are linked from the site. i tend to just link to sites that have a vaguely similar aesthetic, like satan's laundromat's decaying buildings or overshadowed's dark sci-fi cityscapes.
as alluded to above, time has been getting short lately, so the site may not be updated as often in the future. although i'm not calling it quits, at this point i'm content to let it stand mostly as is. i think there's a clear style going on, something that might almost be called a "body of work." i'll be judging additions more harshly and may even be removing photos i'm not so fond of. there's no point in repeating myself or displaying substandard work. the site has always hovered between photoblog and gallery, just as my intent has been somewhat more than snapshots but less than a professional concern. as stated on the site, i save high resolution unmarked versions of all the images, in case anyone is interested in obtaining permission to use them (or in commissioning similar work for a project). contact info is also on the website.
the title of this post is from a lyric by adult, whose new CD i was listening to while writing this. their singer nicola kuperus is also a photographer whose darkly humorous work i love. i also wrote about their nyc show.
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