ninja tune

my copy of the year-end issue of res magazine arrived yesterday. while some people complain that it's a glorified collection of obvious and discreet advertising, i enjoy reading about films i might otherwise never have heard of. of course, the best thing about it is the free dvd it comes with. bizarre music videos and short films that usually end up in the touring film festival resfest. the company that owns res, palm pictures, also put out the mostly excellent directors' label series of dvds, focusing on
chris cunningham, spike jonze, and michel gondry. i say "mostly" because the cunningham dvd is brilliant but thin on content, teasing us with stills and looped clips of the auteurs and other cunningham works that weren't included.
coincidentally, today i accidentally came across a link to one of the clever and amusing short films featured in res, a ninja pays half my rent. i apologize for the file format.
the title of this post comes from the label of the same name, which released kaleidoscope, a really good album by dj food.
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